In 1605, Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626) developed a code to substitute for the letters of the alphabet. The cipher – really a binary code – substituted a five-letter string of a’s and b’s.
Morse code was developed by an American, Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1791-1872). Messages were transmitted through this system using Morse code, an alphabet of electronic marks in which each English letter is represented by some sequence of dashes and dots. Before the invention of the telegraph, messages that had to deliver to be sent over long distances were usually carried by messenger.
But in 1830, the first long distance telegraph device was made by Joseph Henry (1797-1878) and Samuel Morse invented a telegraph system for sending message using electricity. Messages were sent by tapping out special code for each code for letter in the form of long or short signal.
Morse thought that if he could perfect the electromagnetic telegraph that he had designed. In early 1838 he switched to the dot-dash system, the final version of which did not emerge until 1844. In this version the most frequently used letters were assigned the shortest codes. The instrument Morse exhibited to friends in September 1837 contained the basic elements of what later became the standard telegraph.
Morse transmitted the first telegraphic message over an experimental line from Washington D.C. to Baltimore on May 24, 1844. Morse code is an international form of communication that replaces the letters of the alphabet with dots and dashes of sound or light. Sailors and submariners can use Morse code to communicate over distances such as from one ship to another ship or from a ship to the shore.
The invention of Morse code
Claude Bernard: The Father of Physiology
Born on July 12, 1813, in St.-Julien near Villefranche, Beaujolais, France,
Claude Bernard passed away on February 10, 1878, in Paris. His father, a